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ASBIS enters into the contract with ADATA

Szeptember 09, 2013

ADATA, distribution agreement

ASBIS enters into the contract with ADATA

ASBIS obtained the rights to supply its channel customers with any memory device of the entire ADATA products range

September 9, 2013, Limassol (Cyprus) – ASBISC Enterprises Plc. (WSE: ASB), an expert in the distribution of IT products in EMEA emerging markets, has concluded a contract with ADATA Technology Co., Ltd.,  the leading memory brand distinguishing itself by its commitment to professionalism, industry know-how and eye-catching product designs. 

From now forth ASBIS offers the extensive variety of ADATA topnotch complete memory solutions including USB flash drives, external storage, memory cards, solid state drives, DRAM modules, wireless products, cloud computing and industrial memory productson on all the markets where ASBIS operates .

“We are delighted to join forces with the major player of the memory market while the cooperation with ADATA gives ASBIS the most reliable and the first of the provided by this market segment to satisfy the customer demand in the best way possible,” said Eduards Lazdins, MPLM Memory at ASBISc Enterprises PLC, “We are eager to offer our customers no mere the memory solutions but ADATA’s devotion to quality, technical expertise, and the most award-winning designs.”  


ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB) is based in Cyprus and specializes in the distribution of IT products from worldwide leading manufacturers such as Intel, AMD, Seagate, Samsung, Microsoft, Apple, Dell, Toshiba, Acer, Lenovo and Hitachi. The company has own subsidiaries in 29 countries, 1368 employees and 26,000 active customers in over 85 countries worldwide, and its revenue reached US$ 1,745 billion in 2012. For more information visit the company's website at www.asbis.com.


ADATA Technology Co., Ltd. is a Taiwanese memory and storage manufacturer, founded in May 2001. Its main product line consists of DRAM modules, USB drivesUSB hard drives and memory cards in CompactFlash and Secure digital formats. ADATA has also explored other markets, such as digital framessolid-state drives, and Express Cards. It has extended its business to Europe and America, while competing strongly in Asia with Samsung, becoming the second largest worldwide supplier of DRAM modules with a 7.1% total market share. More information is available at www.adata-group.com.

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