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ASBIS Group named in the Top Ten IT distributors by IT Europa

November 17, 2015


ASBIS Group named in the Top Ten IT distributors by IT Europa

According to the latest ‘Distributors in Europe – the top 500’ database report published by IT Europa on November 2nd, 2015, ASBIS Group is a Top Ten IT distributor.

1. The report spans 38 countries and profiles 500 companies. It finds that “Europe's channels have grown again after a period of decline following the recent financial crisis, but that consolidation has changed the top players' list. Overall, total revenues of all companies increased 7.25% in 2015 (based on 2014 revenues) compared to 2013 (when the last report was published).”

Based on IT Europa’s data, ASBIS become a new entry in the TOP 10, while a few companies left it.

ASBIS maintains the strong market position, despite the turbulence on some local markets.  A well-established product portfolio allows ASBIS to be presented in key Hardware & Software segments, whilst broad geo coverage helps to diversify sales revenues and keep its place among the TOP IT distributors. 

2. In terms of products offered on the European market, the most common types of hardware and software distributed were:

Hardware Software
  1. Networking Hardware (72.2%)
  2. PC Accessories & Consumables (68.8%)
  3. Printers & Scanners (62.4%)
  4. Enterprise Storage & Other Data Storage (62.2%)
  5. PCs/Notebooks/Laptops/ Non-Windows PCs (58%)
  1. Network / Security / VPN Software (65.6%)
  2. Office software (52.4%)
  3. Storage software (26.8%)

According to IT Europa’s report, the volume of products increased in most hardware categories. The top five hardware types, which had increased in volume between 2013 and 2015, were:

  • CPU
  • Telecom/IT Cabling
  • Printers & Scanners
  • PCs, Notebooks, Laptops & Non-Windows PCs
  • Servers

Poor results were shown by Digital Cameras (-1.59%) and Motherboards (-6.45%).

The volume of software products also increased among all software categories. The top 5 category volume increases were in:

  • Linux Software (increased by 77.48%)
  • Console & PC Games/Education Software (64.22% increase)
  • Internet/Server Software (54.26%)
  • Network / Security / VPN Software (50.61%) 

The Distributors in Europe – the top 500 database report spans 38 countries and represents the most detailed view available on this key market.

ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB) is based in Cyprus and specializes in the distribution of Information and Communications Technology products and solutions from global suppliers including Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Seagate, WD, Toshiba, Dell, Acer, Lenovo. The company has its own subsidiaries all over the region of EMEA, more than 1,400 employees and 32,000 active customers in over 75 countries around the globe, and its revenue reached US$ 1,55 billion in 2014. For more information, visit the company's website at www.asbis.com.

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