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ASBIS will invest in Breezy – a new trade-in business unit

Február 11, 2021

Breezy, ASBIS

ASBIS will invest in Breezy – a new trade-in business unit

Breezy will give a second life to Apple and other products what fits with the current environmental trends

ASBISc Enterprises Plc, a leading distributor of IT products on emerging markets of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and producer of brands: Prestigio, Canyon and Perenio, launches a new company Breezy, in which it will invest a total of USD 1 million in 2021. Breezy will start its operations in February 2021 in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. In the second quarter of 2021, the company will also enter the Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani markets. In the following years, it is planned to expand Breezy's operations also to Central Eastern European markets including Poland. Due to the development of this company, ASBIS plans to employ up to 80 people in 2021. 

Breezy is a new business concept of the ASBIS Group, which will trade-in used Apple and other brand products, for which the current owner will receive a discount on the purchase of new devices of these companies. At first, the company will focus on trade-in of iOS and Android based products, and then Mac OS and Windows based products. These products will be thoroughly diagnosed, refurbished and serviced by Breezy professionals. Devices that will be reusable will go on sale at reduced prices. The remaining products will be recycled. 

Siarhei Kostevitch, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors ASBISc Enterprises Plc, commented: “Breezy is our answer to drive affordability and reduce renewal cycle of brand new devices. We are currently an authorized distributor of Apple products in 11 markets of the FSU countries, which gives us great foundation for the development of Breezy's business. We have developed relationships with leading players in these markets, which will further strengthen the company's position. Apple products are selling very well, we estimate that the used products reselling market will allow us to achieve profitability of our project already in the second half of this year. We also assume a higher margin on this activity than the one we generate from the distribution of IT products alone. 

Breezy will also offer an extended warranty on resold products (up to 1 year) and other Value Add Services including speedy data transfer from an old to a new device, and the options of subscription to repair damaged device under discounted price (Breezy Care +). 

Siarhei Kostevitch added: “We wanted to add more value to our customers by building an eco-system around our existing business offering. In addition to the business reasons to start this activity, Breezy is part of our  environmental care , which is very important to us. We buy used electronic devices from the market and after thorough servicing, we give them a second life. In this way, we contribute to greater care for our planet and provide world-class technologies to people who so far could not afford to buy brand new devices. Devices that do not meet the high standards of restoration for reuse will be recycled.”

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