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ASBIS expands its distribution portfolio with BlackBerry software

Október 20, 2016

BlackBerry, software

ASBIS expands its distribution portfolio with BlackBerry software

Distribution agreement to provide reseller community an end-to-end, cross-platform solution to secure, connect and mobilize enterprises in the CEE and FSU regions

Limassol, Cyprus – October 20, 2016 – ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB), an expert in the distribution of Information and Communications Technology products and solutions in emerging markets in EMEA, is adding BlackBerry software and services to its distribution portfolio in the CEE and FSU regions. Expanding its distribution portfolio will help the company’s opportunities in highly regulated and security-sensitive sectors, such as healthcare, government and financial services.

“BlackBerry software is an invaluable addition to our distribution portfolio,” says Serhei Kostevitch, CEO of the ASBIS Group. “It will strengthen our go-to-market strategy in the CEE and FSU regions and as the sole distributor it will also increase our value and improve our differentiation. Overall, we are now better positioned to support customer demand for secure mobility solutions and help our professional partners grow their businesses.”

“The CEE and FSU regions are emerging markets where we are keen to grow our footprint and we found a great partner in the ASBIS Group to help us achieve that goal,” said Richard McLeod, VP Global Channels at BlackBerry. “We have re-invented and transformed our channel partner program earlier this year so partners like the ASBIS Group are now better equipped to take advantage of our end-to-end security solutions and software. Together we are now able to support enterprises in the CEE and FSU region who are looking to securely, connect and mobilize their mobile workforce and offer them easier access to BlackBerry Software and services.”

BlackBerry gives enterprises complete confidence in their supply chain, product and data security and is trusted by industry leaders for secure mobile communications. The ASBIS Group will now be able to offer its reseller community a software platform that enables and manages security, mobility and communications between and among hardware devices, programs, mobile apps and the internet of things.


ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB) is local in 23 countries with headquarter in Cyprus and specializes in the distribution of Information and Communications Technology products and solutions from global suppliers including Apple, AMD, Acer, Dell, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, Samsung, Seagate, Toshiba, WD. The company has more than 1,100 employees and 27,000 active customers in over 65 countries around the globe. For more information, visit the company's website at www.asbis.com.        

BlackBerry and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of BlackBerry Limited.

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