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ASBIS announces distribution of the latest BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suite

December 22, 2016

BlackBerry, solutions, security

ASBIS announces distribution of the latest BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suite

New BlackBerry’s EMM solution offers business-class productivity apps to get work done on the go and protects their privacy

December 21, 2016, Limassol (Cyprus) – ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB), an expert in the distribution of Information and Communications Technology products and solutions in EMEA emerging markets, has announced the start of distribution of the latest comprehensive mobile-security platform Enterprise Mobility Suite from BlackBerry Limited (NASDAQ: BBRY; TSX: BB), a global software leader in securing, connecting and mobilizing enterprises.

By combining Good’s leading productivity apps and robust secure mobility platform with BlackBerry’s leading security, BlackBerry have created an EMM solution that not only offers business-class productivity apps to get work done on the go, but protects their privacy as well. It also provides the gold standard for security – BlackBerry has Common Criteria EAL-4+ certification on iOS and Android for BlackBerry Work, BlackBerry Access, BlackBerry Connect, the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK (formerly known as Good Work, Good Access, Good Connect, and the Good Dynamics SDK, respectively), and several other former Good-branded apps. Common Criteria EAL-4+ is the highest certification level possible under the internationally recognized program.

In broad strokes, BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suite offers the following in different combinations to suit customers’ varying needs:

  • BlackBerry Unified Endpoint Manager (formerly known as BES12) multi-OS EMM platform
  • Certified mobile security with BlackBerry Dynamics (formerly known as Good Dynamics) secure mobile app platform and container
  • Best-in-class MDM/MAM supporting iOS, Android (including Android for Work, Samsung KNOX), BlackBerry 10, Windows 10 and MacOS
  • All-in-one, business class BlackBerry Work email and collaboration app
  • Secure file access supporting SharePoint, file shares, OneDrive, and Box across the apps portfolio
  • BlackBerry Connect secure enterprise instant messaging for Microsoft Lync, Cisco Jabber, and IBM Sametime environments
  • BlackBerry Access secure browser with SSO support for enterprise web applications and cloud services
  • Deployment of ISV apps from BlackBerry’s broad partner ecosystem
  • Deployment of custom developed apps secured by BlackBerry Dynamics
  • BlackBerry Workspaces (formerly known as WatchDox) enterprise file synchronization and sharing (EFSS) including complete DRM capabilities for file-level security
  • Identity and Access Management capabilities to extend two-factor authentication to mobile apps and to use the mobile device as a second factor for accessing corporate applications   

“Today, a number of companies and organizations in banking, financial and public sectors actively migrate to the mobile environment, replicating the desktop experience on mobile devices. This process drives up demand for comprehensive EMM solutions, which ensure both a consistent user experience across any mobile device and security and control for mobile apps, data, and devices. Blackberry Enterprise Mobility Suite is a precisely this solution. It comprises multiplatform mobile device management and mobile office (e-mail, browser, document management) unified across all operating systems as well as Workspaces, a digital rights management system to protect company’s data in any environment,” said Vadim Kuznetsov, Blackberry Business Development Manager at ASBIS Enterprises PLC.

ASBIS Group provides its reseller community with the BlackBerry’s software platform that enables and manages security, mobility and communications between and among hardware devices, programs, mobile apps and the internet of things. The entire BlackBerry’s software and services portfolio is available to ASBIS customers across the CEE and FSU regions.

Please visit BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Suite page for more details.

ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB) is based in 23 countries with a headquarter in Cyprus and specializes in the distribution of Information and Communications Technology products and solutions from global suppliers including Apple, AMD, Acer, Dell, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, Samsung, Seagate, Toshiba, WD. The company has its own subsidiaries all over the region of EMEA, more than 1,100 employees and 27,000 active customers in over 65 countries around the globe. For more information, visit the company's website at www.asbis.com.     

About BlackBerry
BlackBerry is a mobile-native security software and services company dedicated to securing people, devices, processes and systems for today's enterprise. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, the company was founded in 1984 and operates in North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Africa. The Company trades under the ticker symbols "BB" on the Toronto Stock Exchange and "BBRY" on the NASDAQ. For more information, visit www.BlackBerry.com.

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