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ASBIS Group invests in Building Management Systems

Július 05, 2018

ASBIS Group invests in Building Management Systems

Perenio IoT spol.s.r.o., new IT company, has been publicly introduced in Prague on June 25th, 2018.


The new company, being a part of ASBIS Group, one of the leading IT distributors in Europe, will focus on development and production of Building Management Systems by applying technologies of Internet of Things (IoT). Perenio representatives announced launch in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine and stated that they are preparing start of sales in EU soon.

"Building Management Systems market in these countries is at the stage of formation of main trends and players. We see big interest from both consumers and partners. That is why we defined Belarus, Russia and Ukraine as our priority markets. All our products are developed and produced in accordance with the EU legislation and requirements, however organization of sales in EU requires more time. Currently, we work actively in this direction and soon Perenio solutions will be available for the citizens of the EU states," - says Sergei S. Kostevich, Perenio Business Development Director. 

Perenio engineers have introduced their own solutions with localized software for each country, wireless ZigBee devices and user-friendly mobile applications for Android and iOS.

"Currently we focus on the following areas: security and access control (wireless motion sensors, door and window opening sensors), cloud video surveillance (fixed and motor cameras), property safety and minimization of risks (wireless smoke and leak sensors). Our engineers already have started development of more complex solutions on infrastructure level for business, communal services and other sectors of economy," - says Vyacheslav Arikanov, Perenio Chief Technical Officer. 

Several new products are planned to be introduced this year. Those products are: smart power socket, outdoor Wi-Fi camera and battery powered camera with LTE support, smart water and gas valve, as well as gateway with battery and LTE support for connection to security services. Perenio management has long-term plans to be among TOP-3 Building management system brands in each country of brand presence and develop its platform by applying such technologies as AI, Machine Learning, Face Recognition and Big Data procession. 

Perenio IoT spol.s.r.o. - IT company with headquarters in Prague (Czech Republic) offering complex Building Management solutions by applying Internet of Things (IoT). Perenio has R&D centers in Czech Republic, Belarus and Ukraine, which develop universal products, designed to solve problems of management, protection, control and monitoring of apartments, offices and other premises. For more information about the company and its products please visit www.perenio.com 

ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB) specializes on distribution of products and solutions for information and communication technologies from the leading global suppliers, including Apple, AMD, Acer, Dell, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, Samsung, Seagate, Toshiba, WD. The company has subsidiaries in 24 countries in EMEA region, employs 1,300 persons and works with more than 30,000 active clients in more than 60 countries around the world. For more information about the company please visit www.asbis.com 

For more information and regarding testing the products please contact: 

Anna Pavlovskaya
PR manager Belarus & Russia
Perenio IoT spol.,s.r.o.
+375 29 6096698

Igor Melnikov
PR manager Ukraine
Perenio IoT spol.,s.r.o.
+38 063 753 55 64

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