CloudFest 2019 is the best place for professionals to meet, connect and explore opportunities in which to partner. It offers up an assortment of compelling presentations, essential workshops, and fun networking occasions.
In 2019, you will have a chance to meet celebrities, newsmakers, influencers, and experts from around the world in the fields like technology, government, media, and beyond. They come to communicate the kinds of important insights into advancing technology and the democratic web that makes CloudFest one of the best content-driven technology events of the year. Among the announced speakers of CloudFest, there are the inventor of the Apache Webserver Brian Behlendorf, cybercrime expert Tatiana Tropina, Microsoft Azure Chief Technology Officer Mark Russinovich.
We think it’s important to get together, exchange information about the business, technologies, find opportunities for co-operation and help each other succeed.
You can also indicate the date and time that will suit you for the meeting at the booth, as well as the number of participants from your company in the request and send it to
As our valued partner, we want you to have access to a wide variety of experts in the industry and learn about the latest technologies and business opportunities.
With our complimentary tickets, there’s no reason to miss CloudFest 2019 – the world’s largest cloud and internet festival in the world! Join in and take advantage of the following compelling opportunities:
Nyilatkozat: Az oldalainkon közölt információk, közlemények a közzététel napján felelnek meg a valóságnak. A közétett információk, közlemények az oldalainkon folyamatosan elérhetőek maradnak, azonban a közzétételt követően nem tudjuk garantálni, hogy az esetlegesen bekövetkező változásoknak megfelelően frissítjük vagy töröljük a nem naprakész információkat. Ennek megfelelően semminemű felelősséget nem vállalunk azért, hogy a közzétételt követően az oldalainkon található információk pontosak maradnak.