On April 28, ASBIS and Seagate held a Quarterly Business Review at ASBIS head office, where further steps of cooperation were discussed. During the event, ASBIS was granted the Systems Partner Award for significant progress in the business development of Seagate systems in the year 2021. This award acknowledged the invaluable contribution that ASBIS central and local teams have made to increase the recognition of the Seagate Storage product among resellers and business end-users. Despite working with Seagate storage systems for only a year, ASBIS was recognized for the fastest and most active start in the lead generation for the product.
The award was handed by David Thompson, Sales Manager EMEA Seagate, to Yurii Koval, Business Development Manager at ASBIS.
“We are excited to be recognized for our efforts! ASBIS is always focused on delivering great results for its partners, while meeting the needs of its clients. This award proves the strength of our team and encourages us to aim even higher.” - commented Marek Horyl, Product Marketing Director at ASBIS
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