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ASBIS Secures Symantec Rights

Július 05, 2011

Symantec, distribution agreement

ASBIS Secures Symantec Rights

ASBIS has signed a distribution agreement with Symantec, a global leader in providing security, storage and systems management solutions.

Limassol (Cyprus), July 05, 2011 – ASBISc Enterprises Plc., a leading distributor of IT products in emerging markets of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, has signed a distribution agreement with Symantec, a global leader in providing security, storage and systems management solutions. 

Under the terms of the agreement Asbis has been awarded the rights to distribute Symantec Consumer Products to Retailers, OEMs and small PC assemblers, Internet Service Providers, Resellers and other relevant channels in the countries of Southeast Europe: Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia. 

“The demand for security gets stronger and we are pleased to sign a deal with a worldwide leader,” said Laurent Journoud, Executive Vice-President for Sales and Marketing at ASBIS. “With Symantec products in our portfolio we can provide a very strong security solutions offering to the markets of these countries. Our company is ready to show the highest channel commitment and we are looking forward to add more countries we are serving to the list of distribution.” 

"We are happy adding ASBIS to our distributors' platform in Southeast Europe following the ongoing demand for Norton products in the world," said Erez Mor Head of Consumer Sales Mediterranean, Russia and South-Eastern Europe "The acknowledgement of Norton high performances in protecting people for their most valuable assets, their information in all shapes, and the need to have the right partner supplying this demand to channels and consumers made us decide to choose ASBIS. I believe this partnership will bring a true value to both companies and increase Norton presence and market share in the region" 

ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB) is based in Cyprus and specializes in the distribution of IT products from worldwide leading manufacturers such as Intel, AMD, Seagate, Western Digital, Samsung, Microsoft, Toshiba, Dell, Acer, Lenovo and Hitachi. The company has own subsidiaries in 26 countries, more than 1,200 employees and 32,000 active customers in over 70 countries worldwide, and its revenue reached US$ 1,43 billion in 2010. For more information visit the company's website at www.asbis.com 

About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in providing security, storage and systems management solutions to help consumers and organizations secure and manage their information-driven world. Our software and services protect against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently, enabling confidence wherever information is used or stored. More information is available at www.symantec.com.

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