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Március 16, 2022

ASBIS, Apple


ASBIS is now the official distributor of Apple products in 11 countries of the FSU, excluding Russia.

ASBIS launched its seventh Apple store in Kazakhstan. Currently, the company operates 21 Apple stores, including 17 Apple Premium Reseller (APR) stores and 4 Apple monobrand stores. By the end of 2022, the Group plans to open three more Apple stores (2 APR stores and 1 monobrand store).

The new Apple iPoint store has 72 sq m of space and is located in the Shum Shopping Center of Aktau – a city of Kazakhstan with about 185,000 inhabitants. The Shum Shopping Center is the largest and most convenient shopping center of Aktau. All Apple products and new products officially available in Kazakhstan will be sold in the newly opened showroom. An Apple authorized service center will also operate here.

The opening of the new Apple showroom was met with great interest by the residents of Aktau, who visited the showroom in large numbers during the first three days (nearly 3,000 customers).

Costas Tziamalis, Deputy CEO of ASBIS Group, commented: “ASBIS has clients in 56 markets and due to the recent invasion of Russia in Ukraine, it is of extreme importance to continue and accelerate the development of our business in the unaffected markets. Kazakhstan has a great development potential. In 2021, we had significant demand in this country, which remained unsatisfied due to shortages in the markets. Now the situation looks completely different, and we are convinced that this showroom will become Apple's must-shop place in Aktau.


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