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ASBIS receives a new distributor status from Ubiquiti

Április 06, 2022

ASBIS, Ubiquiti Networks

ASBIS receives a new distributor status from Ubiquiti

The Value-Added Distributor achieved the PREFERRED tier for its headquarters and ELITE tier for the Middle East office

ASBIS is the official distributor of Ubiquiti since 2014, offering its complete portfolio of network technologies in more than 25 countries.  Vendor’s professional networking products include Wi-Fi solutions, switching and routing, plus accessories and allow building reliable wireless solutions with an ultimate price-performance ratio. 

To receive higher status, ASBIS performance was measured against many criteria, such as partner’s reliability, sales performance, technical expertise, and customers’ positive reviews.

Achieving excellent scores in all these areas resulted in a Preferred status for ASBISC Enterprises Plc and an Elite status for ASBIS Middle East. Both tiers provide valuable benefits, which can produce an important competitive advantage to the distributor.

We are proud of our teams and congratulate them on this amazing achievement! The upgrade once again proves our focus on the brand and dedication to growth, while motivating us to push for the next milestone!” - said Marek Horyl, the Product Marketing Director at ASBIS

About Ubiquiti Networks

Ubiquiti Networks is focused on democratizing network technology on a global scale — aggregate shipments of nearly 85 million devices play a key role in creating networking infrastructure in over 200 countries and territories around the world. Our professional networking products are powered by our UNMS and UniFi software platforms to provide high-capacity distributed Internet access and unified information technology management, respectively.

Ubiquiti, Ubiquiti Networks, the U logo, UBNT, airMAX, airFiber, mFi, EdgeMAX, UniFi, UNMS, AmpliFi and UFiber are registered trademarks or trademarks of Ubiquiti Networks, Inc. in the United States and other countries. For more information, please visit www.ubnt.com. 

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