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ASBIS and Seagate Mark 16 Years of Successful Distribution Partnership

Június 13, 2008

Seagate, distribution agreement

ASBIS and Seagate Mark 16 Years of Successful Distribution Partnership

Press-release: ASBISc Enterprises Plc and Seagate Technology celebrate 16 years of successful cooperation in distribution of storage products.

ASBISc Enterprises Plc and Seagate Technology celebrate 16 years of successful collaboration in distribution of storage products.

The partnership between the two companies began on June 12, 1992, when ASBIS, which was then engaged in small-scale HDD production for former Soviet republics, signed its first ever distribution agreement with a global IT vendor. From that moment, ASBIS has focused on sales, marketing and channel development for Seagate’s hard disc drives across all countries of the former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa.

Currently Seagate remains one of ASBIS’ top suppliers accounting for 11.4 per cent of sales generated by the company. In 2007, ASBIS’ total revenue from the sales of hard disk drives grew by 21.4% comparing to 2006, increasing the sales of HDDs to US$266m. In 2007, ASBIS sold approximately 4 million hard disk drives, compared to around 3.3 million HDDs in 2006.

Over the 16 years, Seagate has repeatedly acknowledged the successful nature of this partnership by naming ASBIS "The Most Successful Seagate Distributor in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union", "#1 Distributor in the Former Soviet Union", and "Fibre Channel Champion". The sales of Seagate products in the region covered by ASBIS have been on the rise ever since the beginning of cooperation.


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