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Május 24, 2021



PRESS RELEASE -24 May 2021; Limassol, Cyprus, and Warsaw, Poland

ASBISc Enterprises Plc, a leading distributor of IT and CE products on emerging markets of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and producer of brands: Prestigio, Canyon and Perenio, after the completed certification process the status of a certified Partner of the NVIDIA HGX Platform. Thus, ASBIS has included in its offer a complete solution based on the graphics processors of one of the global market leaders, NVIDIA, specially developed for the NVIDIA HGX platform.

This is a further development of ASBIS business-oriented offer and confirmation of ASBIS' strong position as a value-added distributor. 

The graphics processor market is developing very dynamically thanks to the rapid development of the gaming market. Data sets are growing, networks are becoming more complex, and latency requirements are tightening to meet user expectations.

NVIDIA is one of the global market leaders in graphics processors using artificial intelligence (AI). For over 25 years, the company has pioneered visual computing solutions to meet challenges that ordinary computers cannot. The NVIDIA HGX platform delivers the performance, efficiency and responsiveness needed to power the next generation of AI products and services in the cloud, data center, network edge and standalone devices. 

Thanks to the obtained certification and the status of the NVIDIA HGX Platform Partner, ASBIS will be able to offer customers complete solutions (hardware and software) for building NVIDIA HGX platforms: HGX-1, HGX-2, and the latest generation HGX A100 platform. 

Yuri Slukhai, Server Focus Group Leader and BDM in ASBISc Enterprises Plc, commented: “ASBIS is expanding its offer of business-oriented services thanks to cooperation with market leaders, such as NVIDIA, Supermicro, Gigabyte, ASUS. Until now, we have offered NVIDIA products, but only as a certified Partner of the NVIDIA HGX Platform we can offer our customers a complete solution, including software. Thus, the scope of our activities related to NVIDIA is also expanding. We offer, among others server installation, up to 5 years of hardware support, Linux installation, and benchmarking of pre-trained network models. We already offer this solution to our clients".

Nyilatkozat: Az oldalainkon közölt információk, közlemények a közzététel napján felelnek meg a valóságnak. A közétett információk, közlemények az oldalainkon folyamatosan elérhetőek maradnak, azonban a közzétételt követően nem tudjuk garantálni, hogy az esetlegesen bekövetkező változásoknak megfelelően frissítjük vagy töröljük a nem naprakész információkat. Ennek megfelelően semminemű felelősséget nem vállalunk azért, hogy a közzétételt követően az oldalainkon található információk pontosak maradnak.