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ASBIS will showcase its expertise at GITEX Africa

Május 08, 2023

ASBIS will showcase its expertise at GITEX Africa

ASBIS is honored to participate in the first African edition of the world’s biggest startup and investor connector event, GITEX, that will take place from 31 May-2 June 2023 in Marrakech, Morocco. It is plain at a glance that GITEX Africa is poised to be the continent’s most influential and largest all-inclusive tech event: over 20,000 trade buyers, 900 exhibitors and startups and 125 government delegations will gather together this year. Attendees can visit ASBIS at the stand 3D-50, Hall H3.

 In the framework of the event ASBIS will introduce new products and solutions from the key vendors including Intel, Supermicro, AMD, Mimosa, Philips, Logitech. The last one will be represented by Logitech accessories and conference room solutions.

My personal first acquaintance with GITEX began from the first edition GITEX Dubai in the early 80s. I was excited and inspired by that conference and doubly excited now, when we join the first GITEX tech show in Africa this year. ASBIS has been committed itself to Middle East and Africa course for over 20 years and providing wide range of the best tech-driven solutions and products for different industries and businesses from the biggest tech companies. We are honored to be involved in the process of the development of the MEA region technology ecosystem as well as unleashing the digital limitless opportunities of the continent”, - comments Hesham Tantawi, Vice President ASBIS MEA.

Join us to discover the new business opportunities together with ASBIS during the most anticipated event of the MEA region

GITEX AFRICA, the continent’s largest all-inclusive tech event, will connect tech titans, governments, SMEs, startups, coders, investors, and academia, to accelerate, collaborate, and explore new ventures. Unleashing the limitless possibilities of the globe’s youngest continent, the event will shape the vision for a more sustainable, inclusive, and tech driven digital economy.
GITEX AFRICA will amplify the continent’s digital aspirations and achievements powered by tech savvy youth, corporates, and ambitious governments

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