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ASBIS obtains exclusive distribution rights for BlackBerry’s Software Licenses and Updates in Estonia and Greece

Augusztus 10, 2015

BlackBerry, software

ASBIS obtains exclusive distribution rights for BlackBerry’s Software Licenses and Updates in Estonia and Greece

ASBIS is a preferred distribution partner for the BlackBerry’s Software Licenses and Updates across nine countries and an exclusive distributor of this product on the markets of Cyprus, Estonia and Greece

August 6, 2015, Limassol (Cyprus) – ASBISC Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB), an expert in the distribution of Information and Communications Technology products and solutions in EMEA emerging markets, and BlackBerry Limited (NASDAQ: BBRY; TSX: BB), a global leader in mobile communications, signed an exclusive agreement for BlackBerry’s Software Licenses and Updates distribution in Estonia and Greece.

In 2014, ASBIS became the preferred distribution partner for the BlackBerry’s handhelds and software business across thirteen countries of Former Soviet Union and Baltic. Later, ASBIS signed an additional agreement for BlackBerry’s Software Licenses and Updates, which allows supplying ASBIS partners in nine regions with not only BlackBerry’s smartphones but also the Complete Enterprise Mobility Solutions. In 2015, the BlackBerry’s Software Licenses and Updates agreement was extended for Cyprus, Estonia and Greece. ASBIS is an exclusive distributor of the BlackBerry’s Software Licenses and Updates on these markets.

BlackBerry® Enterprise Service 12 (BES®12) provides an attribute-driven, endpoint-permissions model that lets you manage devices, apps and data, by-person or by-group, from a single console and in any ownership model, from BYOD (bring your own device), to COPE (corporate owned, personally enabled) and COBO (corporate owned business only). It features a powerful modern architecture with high scalability to deploy large numbers of devices so you can expand your mobility fleet when required. 

BES®12 lets you securely and efficiently manage enterprise mobility across iOS, Android™ (including Android™ for Work and Samsung KNOX™ Workspace), Windows Phone® and BlackBerry® devices. It allows you to strike the right balance between providing your employees the device choice they need while keeping your organization's confidential data secure.   

ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB) is based in Cyprus and specializes in the distribution of Information and Communications Technology products and solutions from global suppliers including Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Seagate, WD, Toshiba, Dell, Acer, Lenovo. The company has its own subsidiaries all over the region of EMEA, more than 1,400 employees and 32,000 active customers in over 75 countries around the globe, and its revenue reached US$ 1,55 billion in 2014. For more information, visit the company's website at www.asbis.com.

About BlackBerry 

A global leader in secure mobile communications, BlackBerry® revolutionized the mobile industry when it was introduced in 1999. Today, BlackBerry aims to inspire the success of our millions of customers around the world by continuously pushing the boundaries of mobile experiences. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, BlackBerry operates offices in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America. The Company trades under the ticker symbols "BB" on the Toronto Stock Exchange and "BBRY" on the NASDAQ. For more information, visit www.blackberry.com.

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