The Company invested hard to create a workplace where every employee has a consistently positive experience and demonstrated that the powerful culture unlocks the full potential of people to drive real business results. ASBIS believe that a competent, motivated, well-trained and a diverse team will be able to deliver on ASBIS strategy and greatly assist in further development of the Company.
Julia Prihodko, Chief Human Resources Officer at ASBISc Enterprises Plc, commented: “It is a significant milestone to become a Great Place to Work certified business. The success of our Company heavily depends on our Employees, and it is the role of our HR Team and Board of Directors to provide the team with a positive working culture that focuses on teamwork, offers Employees’ development opportunities and fair remuneration as well as respects the applicable laws and Employees’ rights.”
Julia Prihodko added: “We are aimed to be a valued and attractive employer on all the markets ASBIS operates. It is an everyday challenge for each member of the Team to contribute and translate personal passion into a profitable and sustainable growth of ASBIS. We congratulate ASBIS Team for our mutual success!”
About Great Place to Work®
Great Place to Work® is a research and management consulting company specializing in corporate culture. For more than 30 years and with offices on 5 continents and in 60 countries, Great Place to Work® works with leading companies around the world to identify and build high trust, high performing workplace cultures.
Throughout assessment, insight and action planning services, Great Place to Work® assesses nearly 7,000 enterprises and more than 20 million employees each year. It is the largest survey conducted in the world in the field of corporate culture. The Great Place to Work® High Trust Culture Consulting approach contributes to the building of excellent workplace cultures. To learn more visit
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