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ASBIS becomes an official distributor of ABBYY

Április 22, 2019


ASBIS becomes an official distributor of ABBYY

PRESS RELEASE - 22 April 2019, Limassol, Cyprus

Value Add Distributor ASBIS signed a contract with ABBYY Europe GmbH. The portfolio of ABBYY products supplied by ASBIS includes ABBYY FineReader Standard, Corporate, Enterprise; ABBYY FineReader Pro for Mac; ABBYY Business Card Reader; ABBYY Screenshot Reader; ABBYY Recognition Server and ABBYY FineReader Server on the territories of Slovakia and Romania with the perspective of adding new territories soon.

All ABBYY products are made with customers’ needs in mind. The company presents all-in-one solutions to deal with all paper-based document-related tasks. Thus, ABBYY products optimize business processes to mitigate risk, accelerate decision-making and drive revenue. ABBYY solutions were recognized to be one of the best OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software in 2019.

For ASBIS signing this agreement is a perfect opportunity to expand the portfolio of the offered products for current customers. Besides this agreement helps to involve new partners, working in such verticals as energetics, agriculture, law and military defense.  

For ABBYY this contract is the capability to increase sales of the products thanks to the cooperation with one of the leading distributors in the region.


ASBISc Enterprises PLC (WSE: ASB) is a leading Value Add Distributor, OEM, and Solutions Provider of IT, IoT, IoT, AI across CEE, FSU, MEA. The company specializes in value-added distribution (VAD), B2B market solutions and ICT products distribution from global suppliers. Cooperation with IT industry leaders, the Group’s expert teams configure hardware products and software elements, cloud-based services, and technologies to create commercially viable solutions of choice. For more information, visit the company's website at www.asbis.com


ABBYY is a global leader in Enterprise Content IQ, that sets the standard for content capture with innovative language-based technologies that integrate across the information lifecycle. ABBYY solutions optimize business processes to mitigate risk, accelerate decision-making and drive revenue. The company has one of the largest global research centers in Artificial Intelligence: more than 500 scientists, engineers and linguists work in ABBYY’s R&D department. Thousands of organizations globally and more than 50 million people from over 200 countries and regions use ABBYY products, technologies, solutions and service. ABBYY has a worldwide presence with global offices in North America (Milpitas, California), Europe (Munich, Germany), and Russia (Moscow). ABBYY also has regional locations in Australia, UK, France, Spain, Ukraine, Japan, Taiwan and Cyprus. For more information, visit the company's website at www.abbyy.com

Nyilatkozat: Az oldalainkon közölt információk, közlemények a közzététel napján felelnek meg a valóságnak. A közétett információk, közlemények az oldalainkon folyamatosan elérhetőek maradnak, azonban a közzétételt követően nem tudjuk garantálni, hogy az esetlegesen bekövetkező változásoknak megfelelően frissítjük vagy töröljük a nem naprakész információkat. Ennek megfelelően semminemű felelősséget nem vállalunk azért, hogy a közzétételt követően az oldalainkon található információk pontosak maradnak.