ASBIS Russia has extended its product offering by signing a distribution deal with AcBel, an industry-leading designer and manufacturer of power supply units. ASBIS will now be able to offer its customers all over the Russian Federation a wide range of AcBel's stable, practical and cost-effective power supply solutions, including the uniquely designed units with latest power management technology - Digitalized Controller with LCD panel.
With more than 6,000 employees worldwide, AcBel Polytech Inc. has major power supply design and manufacturing facilities located in Taiwan, China, and the Philippines as well as sales and service organizations throughout the world.
In 1996 AcBel Polytech Inc. joined into a strategic alliance with the Kinpo Group, a major worldwide supplier in the electronics field. AcBel continued its technology specialization of design and manufacturing of power supplies in this alliance.
AcBel Polytech, noted for its highly efficient processes, low manufacturing cost, and excellent quality, has utilized these attributes to promote its competitiveness in the power supply industry. AcBel has capitalized on these attributes to secure long-term cooperative partnerships with the top ten famous computer suppliers.
For more information about AcBel please visit
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