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ASBIS expands its authorized territory with A10 Networks to include Bulgaria and Slovakia.

Február 09, 2022

A10 Networks

ASBIS expands its authorized territory with A10 Networks to include Bulgaria and Slovakia.

Just over a year after the start of their partnership, companies agree to cooperate in new countries.

ASBIS and A10 Networks began their partnership at the end of 2020. A leading provider of secure application services and solutions, A10 Networks authorized the award-winning value-added distributor ASBIS to offer its services across the Baltic region, including Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

By the start of 2022, the cooperation proved to be so successful that companies agreed to expand their partnership to Bulgaria and Slovakia.

A10 Networks offers secure application services for on-premises, cloud, and edge-cloud environments, which ASBIS can deliver to clients who need their data center applications and networks to remain highly available, accelerated, and secure.

These solutions help businesses to take control of multi-cloud complexity and security, simplify application management and prepare for 5G, all while providing the most secure and available digital experience.

We’re pleased to announce the expansion of the A10 Networks distribution agreement with ASBIS in Slovakia and Bulgaria with ASBIS’ reputation for providing exceptional levels of partner technical and sales support, along with A10 Networks’ leading cloud and on-premises solutions for service provider and enterprise customers, we feel this new relationship will better serve our customers and partners in the region”, said Stephen Dallas, AVP Emerging Europe, Africa Sales & EMEA Channels.

“We are delighted that we can now bring high-class secure application solutions to our clients in Bulgaria and Slovakia. Our partnership with A10 Networks in the new markets is another step towards the growth of our VAD direction,” said Marek Horyl, Product Marketing Director, ASBISC Enterprises plc.

Nyilatkozat: Az oldalainkon közölt információk, közlemények a közzététel napján felelnek meg a valóságnak. A közétett információk, közlemények az oldalainkon folyamatosan elérhetőek maradnak, azonban a közzétételt követően nem tudjuk garantálni, hogy az esetlegesen bekövetkező változásoknak megfelelően frissítjük vagy töröljük a nem naprakész információkat. Ennek megfelelően semminemű felelősséget nem vállalunk azért, hogy a közzétételt követően az oldalainkon található információk pontosak maradnak.